We are advertising a postdoctoral opportunity to work in Sorbonne
Université with computer scientists, mathematicians, and physicians on
methods of systems biology applied to medicine. This postdoctoral
position is joint between the Dept of Computational and Quantitative
Biology, UMR7238 UPMC-CNRS and the UMMISCO, UMI209 UPMC-IRD lab (Hôpital
la Salpetrière).
The postdoc will develop methods for the functional annotation of
metagenomic/metatranscriptomic data of patients, signature discovery,
network reconstruction and HPC. For more information on the project,
please contact alessandra.carbone@lip6.fr
The applicant should have a background in computational biology,
computer science, physics or statistics and/or machine learning.
Expertise in probabilistic models, motif discovery and an experience in
deep learning and dimensionality reduction are a plus.
Contact: alessandra.carbone@lip6.fr
PostDoc position in Bioinformatics, Sorbonne