PhD candidate at King’s College London
Iacoangeli' s Lab looking for potential candidates with a degree in bio/info/maths sciences to do a PhD with us in our lab at King’s College London. This PhD is a collaboration between clinical neuroscientists (Clinical Neuroscience group led by Ammar Al Chalabi) and health informatics experts ( Health Informatics group led by Richard Dobson) working on ALS. 

The candidate will explore state-of-the-art bioinformatics tools and analysis methods and analyse the structure of the multi-omics, clinical and environmental data (not publicly available) made available by international collaborations such as Project MinE ( and STRENGTH (  to identify and overcome the challenges it poses, through an iterative process with clinicians and scientists, and by analysing the research questions most asked of sequencing data.
Deadline for applicants 10-01-2018.
Fully funded.
Project description:
PhD call page:



Dr Alfredo Iacoangeli

Postdoctoral researcher and developer 

Department of Biostatistics and Health Informatics 

King's College London



Room C0.29 ground floor

Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre (MRC)
Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience - PO80
De Crespigny Park, 
Denmark Hill, London, 
United Kingdom, SE5 8AF