In the context of the ERC Advanced Grant GeCo (data-driven Genomic Computing)
(Sept. 2016- Aug. 2021) we offer new positions in Computer Science & Engineering as
PhD student in Information Technology ( or as a
PostDoc at the Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria (DEIB)
( of Politecnico di Milano
GeCo ( is focused on the management
and analysis of genomic data. The project aims at building a powerful data computing
infrastructure at the receiving end of DNA sequencing machines, for enabling viewing,
querying, analyzing, mining, and searching over a world-wide available collection of
genomic data. The project goal is generating an open-source, standard, highly
efficient and easily usable computational framework to support scientists in genomerelated
We welcome PhD candidates who have a Master degree in Computer Science (where a
background in Bioinformatics is preferred) or completed a Master with strong
characterization in Genomics (as documented by a study list); we also welcome
candidate PostDoc students who have obtained their PhD in the areas of cloud-based
data management or of applied statistics / machine learning, and who are willing to
apply their competences to the domain of genomic computing. We are seeking highly
motivated candidates who will have the opportunity to develop an interdisciplinary
research project, working in close collaboration with many scientists and researchers.
Interested candidates should send their curriculum vitae, a motivation letter and
contact details of at least two persons who could provide a recommendation letter, to:
Marco Masseroli
Stefano Ceri
Candidates may be invited to a colloquium, e.g. using Skype. While post-docs have no
specific deadlines, PhD must apply before December 15 or March 15, so as to comply
with the University’s entry times.