The School of Life Sciences (SV) at EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland, is a rapidly growing academic center in life sciences research with currently around 55 research groups. The School has a special focus in neuroscience, bioengineering, cancer research, infectious and metabolic diseases.
For its scientific support structures, the School is currently seeking a :
Head of the Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Core Facility (BBCF)
The mission of the BBCF ( is to serve the EPFL life science community in experimental design, data management, data analysis, data integration, biostatistics and tool development. The expected primary focus will be on areas of data-intensive research including genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, protein structure/function . The facility closely interacts with other local and national bioinformatics, computational and -omics research and facility structures.
The Head of BBCF will have the following tasks and responsibilities:
Participate in the continuous development of a top-level environment for small scale, large scale and data-intense applications in modern life sciences
As leader of the facility team, supervise and manage the daily projects of the team members
Being the contact person for faculty and scientists for the design and analysis of experiments
Assist the faculty in grant applications
The facility head is encouraged to dedicate some effort for Research and Development (R&D), ideally as co-applicant on grants together with research laboratories, to ensure it remains at the top of its field
Interact with the local and national bioinformatics and biocomputing community beyond EPFL, in particular with the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics SIB ( ).
Manage the BBCF unit at the level of personnel, finance, budget aspects (with the support of a part-time administrative assistant)
The suitable candidate is expected to hold a PhD degree in a field within the wide area of biology and computer science, with in-depth knowledge and interest in computational biology disciplines such as biostatistics, multi-omics data integration, bioinformatics.
He/she should have documented research experience in computational biology, ideally complemented by having worked in a service-oriented environment. The applicant should be rigorous, reliable, well organized, service-oriented, and have excellent inter-personal skills and ability to manage a team of 5-6 members. Working language in EPFL's multi-cultural research environment is English.
Duration: initially a fixed-term contract
Activity rate: 100%
Start date: November 1, 2016, or to be discussed
For further information, please contact Prof. Felix Naef ( ) or Dr. Harald Hirling, ( ).
Procedure for applications:
Applicants should submit a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, working certificates and the name of 3 reference persons by email only at the following address:
To be mentioned under Object : 4654/SV
Any email not containing this mention will not be taken into account
Screening of applications will begin on September 15, 2016.