Genomics of inflammation
Tissue responses to microbial and endogenous danger signals involve the inducible expression of hundreds of inflammatory genes. How enhancers and promoters controlling inflammatory gene expression are coordinately bound by lineage-determining and stimulusactivated TFs has been extensively characterized. However, we still have a very incomplete knowledge of the necessary next step in the process, namely how distinct combinations of DNA-bound TFs regulate recruitment and function of the co-regulators and machineries that control the inducible expression of inflammatory genes.
In the context of a five-year EC-funded project, we will integrate genomics and computational approaches with genetic screens, biochemistry, and mouse genetics in order to obtain a detailed mechanistic understanding of the information flow linking cis-regulatory elements to inflammatory gene expression.
Highly motivated scientist with a strong interest in transcriptional regulation and epigenetics are encouraged to apply.
For computational postdocs, computer-programming skills are required.
CV, list of publications and contact information for referees should be sent to my attention (
Recent publications from the lab
-Transcription of mammalian cis-regulatory elements is restrained by actively enforced early termination (L. M.I. Austenaa... G. Natoli). Molecular Cell 60, 460-474 (2015).
-A dual cis-regulatory code links IRF8 to constitutive and inducible gene expression in macrophages (A. Mancino ... G. Natoli) Genes & Development 29, 394-408 (2015).
-Co-regulation of transcription factor binding and nucleosome occupancy through DNA features of mammalian enhancers (I. Barozzi ... G. Natoli) Molecular Cell 54, 844-857 (2014).
-Latent enhancers activated by stimulation in differentiated cells (Ostuni R ... Natoli G.) Cell 152: 157-71 (2013).
-The histone methyltransferase Mll4 controls macrophage function through glycosyl phosphatidylinositol anchor synthesis (L. Austenaa ... G. Natoli) Immunity 36, 572-585 (2012).