EMBO Practical Course: Computational Analysis of Protein-Protein Interactions: From Sequences to Networks
9 February 2015

About the practical course

Recent growth in protein-protein interaction (PPI) data provides new opportunities for gaining biological insights. This EMBO Practical Course aims to train participants to use bioinformatics tools for predicting and analysing PPIs from their own datasets. The practical course will give trainees direct access to developers of several key tools, who are included amongst the trainers (Pfam, ELM, IUPRED, Cytoscape, STRING, CHIMERA).

The EMBO Practical Course will start by focussing on prediction of PPI modules from protein sequences. We will highlight differences in structure, function, and bioinformatics between globular (protein "domains") and non-globular (found in intrinsically disordered peptide regions e.g. short protein-binding regions involved in signal transduction and other biological functions) modules.

Understanding differing roles these modules can play in PPIs is key to unravelling the dynamism of cellular systems. The focus then shifts to large PPI datasets, emphasising a network perspective.

Our understanding of interactions between proteins has recently expanded greatly. In particular, we now understand much better the diversity, and importance, of interactions involving intrinsically disordered protein (IDP) regions. This has led to considerable growth in bioinformatics tools for working with IDP data. Thus, an important component of the course involves lectures on the theory and practical implications of these developments in our understanding of protein-protein interactions.




6 June 2015


26 June


10 July 2015