IB12F - Introductory Bioinformatics (first Course) - Oeiras, Portugal
6 February 2013
The GTPB in 2013 begins with its most popular course, that has been run more than 20 times with an evolving set of contents but maintaining its skeleton.

The course aims at equipping the participants with basic skills to handle sequence data in order to analyse features and produce various types of inferences. The name Introductory Bioinformatics refers to the low level of pre-requisites, not to the level of difficulty. Indeed, the course is very intensive and becomes rather tough towards the end.

Applications are no OPEN for the Bioinformatics Training Course

IB13F  Introductory Bioinformatics (first Course)
   IMPORTANT DATES for this Course
   Deadline for applications: February 20th
  Latest notification of acceptance: February 21st 2013
   Course date: February 25th - March 1st 2013


As each and every other GTPB course, IB13F provides practical hands-on skills that can be used with a high degree of independence.

In this edition, due to a recent agreement, we will be using the Genious software package, on top of a huge amount of public domain software and data resources. This is due to a recent agreement with Biomatters Ltd. that supports us and offers a free 6 months commercial license for each participant to take home.