14th BOLOGNA WINTER SCHOOL: Bioinformatics and Epigenomics February 11-15, 2013 - Bologna - Italy
22 January 2013

Bioinformatics and Epigenomics

February 11-15, 2013
Bologna - Italy

Bioinformatics is at its tipping point. An un-precedent optimization of nucleic acid sequencing technology makes it feasible to unravel the epigenetic marks that effect local transcriptional potential in humans and that are preserved or regenerated during cell division. The problem is whether presently available computational tools can cope with the requirement that data analysis should be as efficient as data production. This will allow deciphering the unfinished symphony of living organisms. Furthermore, understanding the dynamics and stability of epigenetic marks through the cell cycle is a pre-requisite for understanding evolution, cell interaction with the environment and relation among mutations and maladies. Our forum will explore the state of the art projects and research that try to address relevant epigenetic issues in both national and international labs where bioinformatics is the only developing framework where to analyze, integrate and model data necessary to exploit the present knowledge of epigenomics.


February 11
Bioinformatics and Epigenomics:
 Anna Tramontano and Gert Vriend

February 12
Next Generation Sequencing and Epigenomics:
 Graziano Pesole and Luca Fontanesi

February 13
Motif Discovery:
 David Jones and Pietro Di Lena

February 14
Regulation of Gene Expression:
 Montserrat Corominas , Mattia Forcato and Silvio Bicciato

February 15
Epigenomics and RNA:
 Montserrat Corominas and Roderic Guigò

Lectures will be given at Caffè della Corte, Corte Isolani 5/B, Bologna from 9.30am to 1pm and from 3 to 6.30pm. 

Lunches and coffees are included.

On the 15th at 3pm, Prof Roderic Guigò will give its lecture on: "Interrogating RNA heterogeneity. Lessons learned from the ENCODE project" at Auletta Seragnoli, Istituto di Ematologia ed Oncologia Medica“, L. A. Seragnoli”, Policlinico Sant’Orsola-Malpighi, Via Massarenti 9 - Bologna - Leaflet