Lipari School on BioInformatics and Computational - Catania - Italy
21 December 2012
Education: Lipari School on BioInformatics and Computational
DATES: July 13-20, 2013
LOCALE: Universita' degli Studi di Catania, Catania, Italy

Computational Network Biology is among the most representative research
areas in bioinformatics. Lectures will address the scope focusing on
algorithms to analyze networks for disease understanding and therapy. A
series of tutorials will illustrate basic preliminary concepts and provide
additional snapshots of dynamic networks and network alignments. Finally
our special guest speaker will talk about the well known BLAST algorithm
and a visionary talk about future bioinformatics directions. From the
enclosed bibliography it appears that the selected themes have received
much attention in the scholarly literature ranging from Nature and Science
to Bioinformatics Journals.

Registration deadline: April 30, 2013