IB12A Introductory Bioinformatics - Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência - Oeiras, Portugal
6 November 2012
       Introductory  Bioinformatics


with David P. Judge, Phil Cunningham and Pedro Fernandes

   IMPORTANT DATES for this Course
   Deadline for applications: November 30th 2012
   Latest notification of acceptance: December 3rd 2012
   Course date: December 10th - 14th 2012

Candidates with adequate profile will be accepted in the next 72 hours after the application until we reach 20 participants.


The course sets out to introduce an extensive range of computing facilities vital for molecular biological research. This will be achieved primarily through "hands on" exercises based around an investigation of a well documented human disease. How information can be obtained both by analysis of raw sequence data and by interrogation of information resources will be demonstrated. In order to enable the participants to perform sequence analysis on short read sequences, we will provide a short tutorial on NGS data analysis for beginners.


The course is a user course. How to use the various tools is thus the prime objective. However, where it is useful, the operation of the programs will be discussed as far as is required. Participants will know how to set up the programs in an informed fashion, and to fully understand the output generated. On completion of this 5 day long training, they will also know how to implement this methodology elsehwere, using public domain software and data resources.

The course will provide participants with an awareness of a wide range of bioinformatics tools and sufficient experience to use those tools in basic investigations.
Target Audience

This course is intended for those wishing to investigate how they might begin to exploit the ever expanding abundance of computing resources for molecular biologists.
Course Pre-requisites

Basic understanding of molecular biology and no particular computing expertise will be assumed.

Thank you for your interest!     (deadline for applications Nov 30th)

Pedro Fernandes
GTPB Coordinator