Second COST Training School on Next Generation Sequencing
11 October 2012
10 - 14 December 2012 Wageningen, the Netherlands The European Research Group EADGENE_S , together with the COST Actions StatSeq (TD0801) and SeqAhead (BM1006) are organizing a Training School on the analysis of Next Generation Sequence data.

Details on the course, including REGISTRATION, and how to apply for a TRAVEL GRANT (maximum 1000 Euro per grant) from the COST Actions can be found on this website :

Aim of the Training School:
The course is focused on learning to analyse sequencing data by applying the state of the art methods to REAL DATASETS. Data analysis EXERCISES will be carried out by participants in a VIRTUAL SERVER ENVIRONMENT.
Throughout the course the aim will be to learn useful approaches and strategies for analysing your data, to learn about the important algorithms and their software implementations, and to learn how to use scripting language(s) to connect different available software tools to construct a data analysis pipeline.

Instructors :
- Christoph Klopp, INRA - Toulouse, France ,
- Mick Watson, The Roslin Institute
- Edinburgh, United Kingdom ,
- Hendrik-Jan Megens, Wageningen University
- Wageningen, the Netherlands.

The course will be held on the Wageningen Campus, in Wageningen, the Netherlands, from December 10th until the 14th 2012.

Target audience : The course is designed for PhD students and postdoctoral fellows working with high volume next generation sequence data. Participants are expected to be familiar with sequence data and general genomics concepts. Although an introduction to working with sequence data in the Linux environment is part of the course, participants should prepare by learning the basic Linux skills if they do not already have them.

The aim of the course is to teach methods, algorithms and strategies that allow participants to turn next generation sequence data into biologically relevant information such as sequence variants and expression levels. Some examples of downstream analyses that makes use of this data will be included. A combination of lectures and exercises will allow participants to get a feeling of both theory and practical application.

NOTE : Deadline to apply for a travel grant is October 31st 2012. Application is not difficult but you do need to meet the requirements and send in your application. See the registration and application form which can be downloaded at the course website :