Preliminary announcement - Lipari School on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
30 January 2012


July 7 - July 14, 2012, Lipari Island



Aim and scope: Pharmacogenomics is among the most representative research areas in modern science. It studies the influence of genetic variations of individual genes to drug response. Given a genetic profile the aim is to be able to prescribe the most appropriate drug and dosage. Drugs will be designed by analyzing the proteins, enzymes and RNA molecules associated with genes related to the given disease. The main lectures of the School address the scope focusing on tumor angiogenesis, genomes and omic data, integrative systems biology, protein docking and chemoinformatics. A series of tutorial is also offered to illustrate basic preliminary concepts and complement the main lectures by providing snapshots of related areas. These range from web services, protein structures, microarray data analysis, metrics on molecules, systems pharmacology, sequencing analysis, to transcriptomic data analysis and epigenomics. From the enclosed bibliography it appears that the selected themes have received much attention in the scholarly literature ranging from Nature and Science to BMC Bioinformatics and Bioinformatics.




   Pierre Baldi

   From Genomes to Drug Leads: Integrative Systems Biology Approaches

   University of California, Irvine, USA


   Napoleone Ferrara

   New insights in the regulation of angiogenesis by VEGF-dependent and -independent pathways

   Genentech, San Francisco, USA


   Lydia Kavraki

   Geometry and robotics-inspired methods for the analysis of protein function and the design of new medicines

   Rice, Houston, Texas, USA


   Dave Ritchie

   Protein Docking and 3D Ligand-Based Virtual Screening

   INRIA Nancy Grand-Est, France




   Alberto Apostolico

   Compositional Sequence Analysis and Classification

   Georgia Tech, Atlanta, USA - University of Padova, Italy


   Raffaele Giancarlo

   The Three Steps of Clustering in the Post-Genomic Era

   University of Palermo, Italy


   Rosalba Giugno

   Network analysis in systems pharmacology

   University of Catania, Italy


   Michael Levitt

   Introduction to Protein Three-Dimensional Structure and the Architecture of Drug Binding Sites

   Stanford University, USA


   Giosuè Lo Bosco

   Machine Learning Methods for Epigenomic Analyis

   University of Palermo, Italy


   Peter Minary

   Towards Computational Structural Epigenetics at DNA/RNA Levels

   Stanford University, USA


   Giuseppe Pigola

   Biological Databases and Web services

   University of Catania, Italy


   Luca Pinello

   Epigenetic plasticity: why DNA sequence matters

   Dana Faber Cancer Research Center and Harvard University, USA


   Alfredo Pulvirenti

   In-silico transcriptomic data analysis

   University of Catania, Italy


   Chandra Verma

   The Role of Flexibility in Protein-Protein Interactions and Therapeutic Design

   Bioinformatics Institute in Singapore



Participants will be arranged in a comfortable hotel at very special rates. The conference room (in the same hotel) is air-conditioned and equipped with all conference materials. Special areas are reserved to students for the afternoon coursework and study. The island of Lipari can be easily  reached  from Milazzo, Palermo, Naples, Messina and Reggio Calabria by ferry or hydrofoil (50 minutes from Milazzo).


Two kinds of participants are welcome. Students: Participants who are expected to do afternoon courseworks and take a final exam (The grades will be given following the ECTS grading scale). The course will involve a total of 24 hours of teaching. According to our university rules passing the final exam gives right to an equivalent of 6 ECTS credits in any Ph.D. program. Auditors: participants who are not interested in taking the final exam.

Registration fee is 470 Euros. The fee covers the course material, bus+hydrofoil Catania airport-Lipari-Catania airport, social event. Late registration is 570 Euros.

Deadline for application is May 1, 2012 (admission notification will start on March 1st according to registration time). Applicants must include a short curriculum vitae and specify two professors whom letters of recommendation will be asked to, if deemed necessary. Applicants will be notified about admission by May 10, 2012.


The official language is English.

School Directors


   Prof. Alfredo Ferro (University of Catania)

   Prof. Raffaele Giancarlo (University of Palermo)

   Prof. Concettina Guerra (University of Padova and Georgia Tech.)

   Prof. Michael Levitt, (Stanford University)


   Prof. Renato Bernardini (co-director, University of Catania)

   Dr. Rosalba Giugno (co-director, University of Catania)

   Dr. Alfredo Pulvirenti (co-director, University of Catania)


People interested in receiving further information about the school can contact:


Lipari School Organization

Prof. Alfredo Ferro -- Susanna Caramello (Lipari School secretary)

Universita' degli Studi di Catania - Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica

Citta' Universitaria - Viale A.Doria, 6 - 95125 Catania - ITALY

Tel: +39 095 7383071

Fax: +39 095 7337032 / +39 095 330094 -