Master Class Translational research using bioinformatics and epidemiology
23 September 2011

Current genomic technologies allow the characterisation of biological samples at an unprecedented pace and resolution. Their development opened the way to using high-dimensional genomics data for the molecular dissection of the events underpinning different diseases, including cancer.


Genomic data can then be combined with epidemiological information to analyze selected patient cohorts and explore associations between the "molecular picture" of the disease, clinical parameters and environmental risk factors.


The course will provide the conceptual framework as well as a methodological introduction to the integrated use of epidemiology and bioinformatic approaches in modern translational research.


The course is led by the Division of Cancer Studies at Kings College London, but will also be supported by visiting faculty from the Harvard School of Public Health (Professor L Mucci) and the University of Amsterdam (Professor M van de Vijver).
