Gulbenkian Training Courses in Bioinformatics
7 June 2011

Courses in 2011

From / To (dates) App Deadline Applications Title
June 27th
June 30th
June 11th OPEN! HGP11
Hunting for Genes and Promoters
July 4th
July 7th
June 18th OPEN! BBWA11
Building Bioinformatics Web Applications
July 12th
July 15th
June 17th
(new deadline)
Knowledge Discovery and Management in Chemoinformatics
Sept 5th
Sept 9th
- In Preparation MDARB11
Microarray Data Analysis using
R and Bioconductor
Nov 7th
Nov 9th
- In Preparation IAG11
Integrative Approaches in Genomics
Nov 14th
Nov 18th
- In Preparation BFB11
Biostatistical Foundations in Bioinformatics

GENERAL NOTE ON COSTS, for non-resident applicants:
Please note that the cost of subsistence in Oeiras is usually quite low.
We are eager to help you to reduce your subsistence costs to the appropriate level, on request. As a guide number, one can count on a daily value of about Euro 35. On availability, a night at a local academic residence can cost Euro 22. A dinner in a local restaurant can cost Euro 10. Lunch on course days is included in the course fee (external attendees only).

Training courses identical or similar to those offered by the GTPB are available in
other Institutes. An ongoing cooperation allows us to recommend them. Different 
access conditions do apply, according to the local organization. The offer is not
exactly the same but there is some overlap.
If you were unable to register on one of our courses, you may find other opportunities at: 
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK  LINK 
Centro de Investigaciones Principe Felipe, Valencia, ES  LINK 
European Bioinformatics Institute, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK  LINK



For more information, send an e-mail to: bicourses ( AT ) 
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Apartado 14, 2781-901 Oeiras, Portugal