XV School of Pure and Applied Biophysics on "Protein Stability and Pathways of Self-Assembly"
27 September 2010
SIBPA, Societa Italiana di Biofisica Pura e Applicata, and the Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere e Arti (IVSLA) promote the 

XV School of Pure and Applied Biophysics on "Protein Stability and Pathways of Self-Assembly", Palazzo Franchetti, Venice January 24-28, 2011.

The school will draw young researchers' attention to the following topics of considerable scientific and educational impact:

Protein folding and conformational stability
Cold denaturation
Protein stability in crowded environments
Thermodynamics of protein solutions
Mechanisms of protein self-assembly
Protein interactions and phase transitions
Misfolding and aggregation
Conformational diseases

Maximum 30 applicants are admitted to the school. The participation fee is 300 Euros (including five nights accommodation and lectures) or 150 Euros (including only lectures but not accommodation).

The deadline for application is November 15th, 2010.

For further information: http://venice2011.pa.ibf.cnr.it/