Workshop on R and BioConductor for Genomic Data Analysis
7 September 2008
CBS/BioSys Workshop on R and BioConductor for Genomic Data Analysis

October 7-10, 2008 (optional introduction to R October 6-7)
Center for Biological Sequence Analysis
Department of Systems Biology
Technical University of Denmark

The focus will be the use of BioConductor for working with microarrays -
- Gene Expression as well as Genomic Variation. Examples during the workshop
will include SNP and CNV microarray chips. Data visualisation in R will also
be covered in the workshop. Course language is English.

The workshop assumes some programming experience, and basic familiarity with
microarrays, statistics and their biological contexts. An optional introduction
to R precedes the course and is open to all workshop participants.

More information, including application form:

Deadline for applying: Sep 12, 2008. The applicants will be notified by email
of the status of their applications not later than Monday, September 22, 2008.