job offers
Location: EBI - Hinxton, UK
Start date: immediate
Duration: three years
Contact person: Guy Cochrane
Job Description: The Dottorato di Ricerca in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics is one of the PhD programmes inside the School of Doctorate in Biotechnologies of the University of Naples “Federico II”. In our university several research groups exist which are involved on the different aspects of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. Prestigious Neapolitan research institutes like Ceinge, Tigem and Stazione Zoologica “Anton Dohrn” take part to the educational project of the PhD programme. In this framework, a special call for the admission at the PhD Programme, restricted to foregniers only, will be published very soon. Please check periodically the web site to get the details.
Location: Institute of Cancer, CR-UK Clinical Centre at Barts and The London School of Medicine, London, United Kingdom
Deadline for applications: November 12, 2010
Duration: three years
Salary on grant: 30229-33695 per annum inclusive of London Allowance
Contact person: Dr. Claude Chelala
Location: INGM, Milan, Italy
Start date: immediate
Duration: three years
Salary on grant: depending in qualification
Contact person: Mauro Bombaci
Job Description: Postdoctoral positions are available in my group for research on protein structure and function prediction, prediction of properties of small molecules. The positions depend on (simple, 2-page, online) application for funding to be submitted jointly by the candidates and the Principal Investigator to the Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology (IRCSET). Deadline for application to IRCSET is early December. Prospective candidates should contact me by early November to get pre-approval and coordinate the submission. I am looking for candidates with a Ph.D. in the general area of bioinformatics (e.g. Biology, but with strong computational focus, Computer Science but strong applicative focus on molecular biology). At this stage candidates may still be working towards their Ph.D., but they need to have completed it by the Summer of 2011. This is a very competitive call and only candidates with strong research and publication records will be considered.