job offers
Job Description: A post-doctoral position is available in the group of evolutionary genomics of cancer at the European Institute of Oncology in Milan (Italy) to work on the detection of cancer-associated mutations. The project will concern the re-sequencing of the whole exome in breast cancer patients using next generation sequencing technologies. Candidates should hold a PhD in biology, genetics or medical statistics. Independence in computer programming is required, proficiency in statistics is advantageous.
Location: University of Oxford, UK
Deadline for application: February 11, 2011 - 5PM (UK TIME)
Salary: £28,983 - £35,646 p.a.
Contact persons: Dr Francesca Buffa, Professor Adrian L Harris
Contact email:,

Location: Saint John, University of New Brunswick, US
Duration: full-time
Salary: $39901-$51873 per annum
Deadline: January 11, 2011
Research Analyst
The Microsoft Research - University of Trento
COSBI Centre for Computational and Systems Biology
Location: Trento/Rovereto, Italy
Salary on grant: according to CV
Contact person: Giulia Calabrò
Web page:
Location: School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Queen Mary, University of London, Mile End Road, London, United Kingdom
Deadline for applications: December 3, 2010
Starting Date: February 2011
Duration: three years
Salary on grant: £30,229 - £33,659 per annum
Contact person: Stephen Rossiter