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ELIXIR-IIB, in collaboration with Fondazione Bruno Kessler and Fondazione E. Mach, Trento organize this course to provide a practical introduction to the analysis of “omics” data.
Basic scientific information is provided, on Neuroscience and Big Data, for non scientists while basic law concepts are discussed for non-lawyers. The aim of the school is to provide accurate information about the increasingly advanced neuroscientific findings and Big Data techniques, and their impact on each other and on different legal systems.
One PhD position will be awarded to work on a project coordinated by Professor Stefano Gustincich in collaboration with Remo Sanges to study transposons activity and polymorphisms in metazoan and their implication in the evolution of complexity and neurodegenerative diseases.
Applications for a 3-years PhD fellowship to characterize the structure, functioning and evolution of giant virus genomes through bioinformatics approaches.
We are seeking applicants with knowledge of next-genera on sequencing, genomics and experience in performing computational analysis from high-throughput datasets.