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This special issue aims to host original papers and reviews on recent research advances and the state-of- the-art methods in the elds of statistical and machine learning methodologies
The primary research focus will be to investigate the predisposition to psychiatric disorders and behavioral traits using genome-wide data.
Applications are invited to work in the research group of Dr. Alessandro Pandini on "An integrated computational-experimental method to redesign protein dynamics". Closing date for applications: 4th October 2017
ELIXIR-IIB, in cooperation with the ELIXIR-EXCELERATE Train-The-Trainer programme, is pleased to announce a Train the Trainer (TtT) event together with a training course on “Best Practices for RNA-Seq analysis”. 27-29 September 2017, University of Salerno, Fisciano (SA), Italy
An exciting opportunity has arisen within the Division of Genetics and Molecular Medicine to work on a project investigating the molecular pathogenesis of pustular psoriasis.