Location: Barcelona, Spain
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Start date: IMMEDIATE
Duration: Negotiable
Salary on grant: Negotiable, commensurate with experience
Contact Person (Referent): Elia Stupka
Ref. E-Mail: elia.stupka@cbm.fvg.it
Tel: 040 3757718
Fax: 040 3757710
Group Web Page: www.cbm.fvg.it
Duration: Negotiable
Salary on grant: Negotiable, commensurate with experience
Contact Person (Referent): Elia Stupka
Ref. E-Mail: elia.stupka@cbm.fvg.it
Tel: 040 3757718
Fax: 040 3757710
Group Web Page: www.cbm.fvg.it
The Institute for Molecular Bioscience at the University of Queensland in Brisbane (Australia) is recruiting up to six research Group Leaders, preferably at Levels C or D (Assistant or Associate Professor).
Mark Ragan
Director, ARC Centre of Excellence in Bioinformatics
tel +61-7-3346-2616 / 2617
fax +61-7-3346-2101
m [dot] ragan [at] imb [dot] uq [dot] edu [dot] au
Mark Ragan
Director, ARC Centre of Excellence in Bioinformatics
tel +61-7-3346-2616 / 2617
fax +61-7-3346-2101
m [dot] ragan [at] imb [dot] uq [dot] edu [dot] au