job offers
Start date: November 2012

Duration: 3 to 4 years

Funding Source: Italian Ministry of University

Salary on grant: Ministerial PhD fellowship integrated by SISSA for a monthly amount of ~ 100 Euros. In addition there are SISSA contributions towards house rent and purchase of personal laptop.

Contact Person (Referent): Cristian Micheletti

Ref. E-Mail:

Group Web Page:
Location: ICAR-CNR - Naples, Italy
Contract duration: 1 year(renewable)
Deadline: 14 settembre 2012
Start date: middle september 2012
Duration: 1 year, potentially renewable
Salary on grant: 19367 Euro gross salary (net salary about 1400 euro per month)
Contact Person (Referent): Italia De Feis
Ref. E-Mail:
Tel: +390816132390
Fax: +390816132597
Group Web Page:
Position: SystemsX PhD position in Mathematical Modelling of Plant Growth & Development
Locaton: the Department of Plant Molecular Biology - University of Lausanne - Switzerland
Contact person: Christian Hardtke
Contact e-mail:
Position: one position for a PhD
Location: Verona, Italy
Application Deadline: August 24th 2012 Contact person: Prof. Massimo Delledonne
Contact e-mail: