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In this School students will have the opportunity to learn about current topics in metabolomics, with a slant on the integration of cloud computing technologies where they are beneficial to the effectiveness and efficiency of research and analysis work.
Major themes: omics and personalized medicine, big data ad digital integration, the patients and participatory medicine and the innovation cycle in pediatrics.
Following an agreement between the Dept. of Basic Medical Science, Neuroscience, and Sense Organs at the University of Bari Aldo Moro and a local biomedical software company, a PhD fellowship will be available in the Group of Psychiatric Neuroscience in the field of Bioinformatics and Biostatistics.
ELIXIR-IIB, in collaboration with Fondazione Bruno Kessler and Fondazione E. Mach, Trento organize this course to provide a practical introduction to the analysis of “omics” data.
Basic scientific information is provided, on Neuroscience and Big Data, for non scientists while basic law concepts are discussed for non-lawyers. The aim of the school is to provide accurate information about the increasingly advanced neuroscientific findings and Big Data techniques, and their impact on each other and on different legal systems.