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Location: Bari, Italy
Date: April, 14-16, 2010
Abstract submission deadline: March 15, 2010
Early registration deadline: March 24, 2010
Job Description: Applications are open to become part of an interdisciplinary group to work in the areas of: analysis of alternative splicing events and consequences / miRNA function / Analysis of protein functional sites and protein function prediction / Structural Bioinformatics/ Antibody structure and function analysis and prediction / Bioinformatics of malaria.
Location: Parma, Italy
Date: April 8-10, 2010
Deadline Contributions: March 8th, 2010
Location: Oeiras, Portugal
Date: April 19-23, 2010
Deadline for applications: April 2nd 2010
Notification of acceptance dates:
EARLY: March 12th 2010
NORMAL: April 6th 2010
Location: Gothenburg, Sweden
Date: August 25-27, 2010
Abstract submission deadline: April 11, 2010
Full paper deadline: April 18, 2010
Author Notification: May 17, 2010
Camera Ready Copy Due: June 7, 2010