all bits news
Date: 27 September 2012
Location: Sala Conferenze, Area di Ricerca del CNR, Genova Link:
Date: March 18-20, 2013
Location: Granada - Spain
- Submission of Special Session proposals: October 12, 2012
- Submission of papers by authors: October 17, 2012
Start date: November 2012

Duration: 3 to 4 years

Funding Source: Italian Ministry of University

Salary on grant: Ministerial PhD fellowship integrated by SISSA for a monthly amount of ~ 100 Euros. In addition there are SISSA contributions towards house rent and purchase of personal laptop.

Contact Person (Referent): Cristian Micheletti

Ref. E-Mail:

Group Web Page:
Location: Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência - Oeiras, Portugal
Date: September 11th - September 14th 2012
Deadline: August 27th 2012
Notification of acceptance dates:
-EARLY: August 15th 2012
-NORMAL: September 3rd 2012
Location: ICAR-CNR - Naples, Italy
Contract duration: 1 year(renewable)
Deadline: 14 settembre 2012