job offers
In the framework of an exciting LIFE project, we are seeking for a motivated candidate to work on bioinformatics analysis of population genomics data.
Application call to the National Doctorate in Artificial Intelligence (Health and Life Sciences): “Innovative AI-based computational models for the design and/or identification of non-coding RNA molecules as new generation personalized therapeutic agents”
N. 3 post-doctoral fellowships in Omics Sciences at the University of Bari
As part of the strengthening of the human capital of the "National Research Center in Bioinformatics for Omics Sciences" in the framework of the empowerment of the Italian node of ELIXIR (the European Infrastructure for Life Sciences), the Department of Biosciences, Biotechnologies and Biopharmaceuticals of the University of Bari is seeking n.3 Post-doctoral researchers.
Pubblicati 3 bandi per assegni di ricerca di tipo professionalizzante (post-laurea) per per collaborare con la piattaforma del training di ELIXIR Italy.