job offers
Location: IFOM-IEO-Campus, Milan, Italy
Start date: July 2009, with a certain degree of flexibility
Duration: 1 year, with possibility of renewal up to 5 years
Contact: francesca [dot] ciccarelli [at] ifom-ieo-campus [dot] it
Location: John Innes Centre, Norwich, UK
Application dedaline: 12 February, 2009
Contact: martin [dot] howard [at] bbsrc [dot] ac [dot] uk
Location: BiRC, Aarhus University, Denmark
Application deadline: March 16, 2009, at 12,00 noon
Contact: cstorm [at] birc [dot] au [dot] dk
Contact: gianluca [dot] debellis [at] itb [dot] cnr [dot] it