job offers
Job Description: Offering a One-year Post-Doctoral Fellowship (Assegno di Ricerca), at the University of Padova. The position is linked to the project “A BIOINFORMATIC AND SYSTEMS BIOLOGY APPROACH TO THE STUDY OF GENOME EXPRESSION DURING MYELOID DIFFERENTIATION”. The scientific activity will be carried out under the supervision of Dr. Stefania Bortoluzzi, at the Department of Biology. The official selection will be open in July 2009 (starting date: September 1, 2009) The fellow will be involved in all the parts of the scientific project, including data retrieval, integration, analysis and software development. Thus he/she must have a good background in functional genomics and bioinformatics, with particular regard to the expression data field. Programming skills will also constitute a preferential quality.
Contact: jobs [at] bch [dot] umontreal [dot] ca
Job Description: The Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering & Technology funds several hundred Ph.D. and research M.Sc. positions every year. Applications are very simple: a statement by the candidate; information about previous academic results; a statement and short research proposal by an Irish lab supporting the application. The next call will be in June 2009, with results published in August. Average success is ~30%, but closer to 80% for candidates with top marks. I am willing to support highly motivated candidates to work on a number of projects in my lab. Candidates with previous degrees in Computer Science/Engineering preferred, but mixed backgrounds (e.g. Biology/Chemistry with strong programming experience) are also appropriate. Given the nature of the call, top marks or close-to-top marks in primary degree are essential for success. For more information, and/or to discuss potential research projects, email me.
Location: Grenoble, France
Application deadline: 30th May, 2009
Contact: application [at] embl [dot] de
Location: London, UK
Contact: v [dot] rakyan [at] qmul [dot] ac [dot] uk