job offers
Job Description:
There are 3 positions available for the PhD in Physics and Chemistry of Biological Systems at the International School for Advanced Studies, Trieste, Italy.

Applicants should have a good background in Physics, Chemistry or related subjects and are expected to obtain their Laurea Specialistica or equivalent degree by Autumn 2011.

Applicants will be first screened based on their CV (educational track record, letters of presentation, preprints or publications). Those that pass the preliminary screening will be invited to participate to the local selection taking place on October 5 and 6.

Admitted students will have the opportunity to follow a one-year educational program in an international and interdisciplinary environment, followed by two or three years of active research in one of the following areas:

* structural bioinformatics,
* statistical mechanics of complex molecular systems,
* biomolecular simulations,
* simulations of rare events.

For further information about the available research lines, and past entrance exams see the Statistical and Biological Physics Sector website.

To apply:
The application should be filled exclusively online at the following address: . The application deadline is September 19th.
The complete official announcement can be download here.
Notice that SISSA can cover, in full or in part, the expenses of students who are admitted to the local entrance exam. Please contact for further information.

About SISSA:
The International School for Advanced Studies of Trieste. SISSA was the first Italian university to offer the PhD degree, and has continued to do so with notable success. Since its founding in 1978, SISSA has prepared more than 500 young people for careers in research and teaching.

According to a recent independent comprehensive academic survey SISSA is one of the leading Italian research institutes in terms of density of top scientists. In the latest evaluation of the Italian university system (CIVR) it was judged as the most exciting of the small research centers in Italy in physics and mathematics and came second in biology.

People who study at SISSA, which is situated in the campus in Via Bonomea in a park of over 100,000 m2, have access to an excellent library which is open 24 hours a day; they have a computer at their disposal with which to connect to the huge resources for scientific computing and internet services; they receive support in finding accommodation in the city from the housing service and a monthly contribution from the School towards the rent; on the campus they can find a restaurant, kindergarten, and meditation and music rooms. Students from non-European Union countries have their enrollment in the Italian national health service reimbursed. Female students receive a contribution during their maternity leave. Students are awarded scholarships for the entire duration of their training programmes.
Location: University of Milan Bicocca, Milan, Italy
Starting Date: November 1st, 2011
Salary: 1550 EUR/month
Location: Aarhus University, Denmark
Starting date:September 1, 2011
Salary: 31400 DKK (approx. 6000 USD)/month Contact: Jakob Skou Pedersen Contact email:
E' stato pubblicato il bando del Master in Bioinformatica presso l'Università di Roma La Sapienza per l'anno accademico 2011-2012. Maggiori informazioni su
Location: Milan, Italy
Duration: 12 months contract, with possibility of extension