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Job Description: A Ph.D. scholarship is available *now* at University College Dublin to work on machine learning methods to predict properties of small molecules. The scholarship is part of a multidisciplinary Ph.D. school and entails mostly computational work, but also a small component of \"wet\" training and data collection. We are looking for candidates with strong programming skills, ideally from a Computer Science or Engineering background, but other profiles (major in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, etc.) will also be considered provided that the candidate also has a strong computational background. To apply, please send me your CV and the addresses of two referees. We are looking for someone who can start within 3-4 months at the latest. For enquiries, email me..
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Date: November 20th 2009
Intention to submit (abstract only): October 5
Submission of papers: October 12
Location: Los Angeles, USA
Contact: csearch [at] college [dot] usc [dot] edu
Location: London, UK
Closing date: 2nd October, 2009
Contact: hsrecruit2 [at] kcl [dot] ac [dot] uk
Location: Umeå, Sweden
Application deadline: October 15th