meetings and workshops
Preliminar announcement
NETTAB 2007 focused on:
A Semantic Web for Bioinformatics:
Goals, Tools, Systems, Applications
12-15 June, 2007, University of Pisa, Italy

The NETTAB 2007 workshop is focused on the Semantic Web and its possible use in support to Bioinformatics. Please note however that, starting from this edition, NETTAB workshops will also include special sessions devoted both to the general theme of the series of workshops, i.e. "Network Tools and Applications in Biology", and on further topics selected by local organizers. This year, you are therefore welcome to submit your work on any of the followings topics:

  • Main focus theme: Semantic Web applications in bioinformatics
  • Adjunct focus themes: Algorithms in bioinformatics and Formal Methods for Systems Biology
  • General theme: Network Tools and Applications in Bioinformatics
* ICCS 2007
* International Conference on Computational Science
* Beijing, China
* May 27-30, 2007
* ICCS 2007
ISMB/ECCB 2007 … July 21-25, 2007 … Vienna, Austria


Call for Special Sessions October 29

RECOMB 2007 … April 21-25, 2007 … San Francisco Bay area, CA

Call for Papers Deadline September 30

Call for Papers: IEEE CIBCB 2007
2007 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Part of the IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence
(IEEE SSCI 2007)
April 1-5, 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA