meetings and workshops
Emerging technologies in biomedicine and bioinformatics are generating an increasing amount of complex data. To tackle the growing complexity associated with emerging and future life science challenges, bioinformatics and computational biology researchers need to explore, develop and apply novel computational concepts, methods, and tools. The aim of this workshop is to bring together computer science and life scientists to discuss emerging and future directions in topics related to key bioinformatics and computational biology techniques: Advanced computing architectures Algorithm design Data analysis and knowledge discovery Data management and integration Integration of quantitative/symbolic knowledge into executable biomedical “theories” or models. The BBC-2020 workshop is one of the Thematic Tracks of ICCS 2020 conference, see here for the list of all Thematic Tracks:
SPECIAL SESSION ON Computational Intelligence methods in bioinformatics TO BE HELD AT EAIS 2020 2020 IEEE Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems Bari, Italy -- May 27-29, 2020
The Open Life Science program is aimed at mentoring and training early-stage researchers and potential academic leaders who want to become ambassadors for Life Science in their communities. The first cohort of teh program will run from January to April 2020 (15-week). Applications can be submitted until 8 December 2019. An informative webinar will be held on 27 November 2019 at 16:00 GMT.
Experts of the field will provide students with an overview on the IDP biological mechanisms that develop pathogenic phenotypes. The concepts of folding, unfolding and misfolding will be explored, highlighting their differences and similarities. Practical exercises aim at transferring to students basic skills for the study of IDPs and will revolve around the use of bioinformatics tools to solve complex problems. The school includes a half day workshop on ELIXIR interoperability services and support for the IDP community.
This is the joint meeting of two long-established events, NETTAB, held annually since 2001, and BBCC, held annually since 2006, with topics of interest for bioinformatics and computational biology, and a particular focus on computational proteomics.