job offers
Eā€™ disponibile una posizione presso il laboratorio di Genomica Funzionale diretto dal Prof. Delledonne per l'analisi di dati WES e WGS.
Eā€™ disponibile una posizione annuale (borsa di studio) nella struttura di Biologia Integrata dei Tumori Rari, coordinata dalla Dott.ssa Delia Mezzanzanica, un centro leader nella Ricerca Oncologica clinica, di base e traslazionale.
a new call for a one-year postdoctoral position in Applied mathematics and Statistics at the Institute for Applied Computing (IAC) in Naples has been opened at
Join a well-established core bioinformatics team, to support microbial genomics research and maintain a state-of-the-art infrastructure. Familiarity with Linux, containers (e.g. Apptainer), and HPC is important, as well as understanding and building of bioinformatics workflows (Nextflow) and the ability to contribute to the development and execution of microbial genomics analyses.
The Piccolo, Bicciato, and Risso labs at the University of Padova are seeking highly talented computational biologists for funded post-doctoral positions. Our teams utilize highly multiplexed imaging, spatial transcriptomics, and single-cell omics, combined with statistical and machine learning approaches, to investigate regulatory mechanisms in tumor development and metastasis.