Position: incarico di collaborazione (cococo)
contract duration: 12 mesi
Location: IZS portici
Deadline: entro le ore 14.00 del 12 marzo 2015
job offers
Start date: 01 April 2015
Duration: 4 years
Funding Source: Graz University of Technology
Salary on grant: at least 2.662,90 EUR per month (14 times per year)
Contact Person (Referent): Mario Albrecht
Ref. E-Mail: info@mario-albrecht.at
Group Web Page: http://www.medbioinf.at
Duration: 4 years
Funding Source: Graz University of Technology
Salary on grant: at least 2.662,90 EUR per month (14 times per year)
Contact Person (Referent): Mario Albrecht
Ref. E-Mail: info@mario-albrecht.at
Group Web Page: http://www.medbioinf.at
Start date: October 2015
Duration: 36 months
Salary on grant: The studentship will cover tuition fees and provide an annual tax-free maintenance allowance for 3 years at Research Councils UK rates (£15,863 in 2014/15).
Contact Person (Referent): Arianna Fornili
Ref. E-Mail: a.fornili@qmul.ac.uk
Group Web Page: http://www.sbcs.qmul.ac.uk/staff/ariannafornili.html
Duration: 36 months
Salary on grant: The studentship will cover tuition fees and provide an annual tax-free maintenance allowance for 3 years at Research Councils UK rates (£15,863 in 2014/15).
Contact Person (Referent): Arianna Fornili
Ref. E-Mail: a.fornili@qmul.ac.uk
Group Web Page: http://www.sbcs.qmul.ac.uk/staff/ariannafornili.html
Position: Post-doc
location: INGM - Milan - Italy
contact email:bodega@ingm.org
Contact person:Dr. Beatrice Bodega
link: www.ingm.org
location: INGM - Milan - Italy
contact email:bodega@ingm.org
Contact person:Dr. Beatrice Bodega
link: www.ingm.org