job offers
Contact: jobs [at] bch [dot] umontreal [dot] ca
Job Description: The Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering & Technology funds several hundred Ph.D. and research M.Sc. positions every year. Applications are very simple: a statement by the candidate; information about previous academic results; a statement and short research proposal by an Irish lab supporting the application. The next call will be in June 2009, with results published in August. Average success is ~30%, but closer to 80% for candidates with top marks. I am willing to support highly motivated candidates to work on a number of projects in my lab. Candidates with previous degrees in Computer Science/Engineering preferred, but mixed backgrounds (e.g. Biology/Chemistry with strong programming experience) are also appropriate. Given the nature of the call, top marks or close-to-top marks in primary degree are essential for success. For more information, and/or to discuss potential research projects, email me.
Location: Grenoble, France
Application deadline: 30th May, 2009
Contact: application [at] embl [dot] de
Location: London, UK
Contact: v [dot] rakyan [at] qmul [dot] ac [dot] uk
Location: IFOM-IEO-Campus, Milan, Italy
Start date: July 2009, with a certain degree of flexibility
Duration: 1 year, with possibility of renewal up to 5 years
Contact: francesca [dot] ciccarelli [at] ifom-ieo-campus [dot] it