BITS Meeting 2024
Registration Form

All fees include: attendance to scientific sessions, access to the book of abstracts, coffee-breaks and lunches.

Social dinner fee is 35.00 for participants (all categories and deadlines) and 45.00 for accompanying persons. Accompanying persons may pay on-site.

Early registration deadline is

A discount of 30.00 € will be applied to researchers from:

the following projects:
  • InterOmics CNR Flagship Project,
  • ELIXIR-IIB – Italian ELIXIR node
the following societies:
  • EMBnet – The Global Bioinformatics network,
  • ISCB – International Society for Computational Biology,
  • BITS – Bioinformatics Italian Society,
  • SFBI – Societé Française de Bioinformatique,
  • PTBI – Bioinformatics Polish Society,
the following Institutions:
  • CNR / ITB,
  • CNR / ICAR,
  • Palermo Area CNR Institutes,
  • IRCCS AOU San Martino IST,
and to:
  • NETTAB Workshops past invited speakers,
  • members of the Programme Committee.
To proceed to the registration and the payment, you need to enter your tax number (codice fiscale) in your personal profile.

Please go to your profile and complete your personal data.

Thank you.