Abstract submission is requested for poster and oral contributions to the annual meeting of the Bioinformatics Italian Society (BITS).
Contributions on the following topics are welcome:
- AI, Models, and Tools
- Genomics, Transcriptomics, and Metagenomics
- Pharmaceutical and Toxicology
- Proteins and Proteomics
- Systems Biology and Multi-Omics
- Translational Bioinformatics: Clinics, agriculture, environment, food
- Other applications
In addition to these topics, contributions are welcome for the Special session: Sustainable bioinformatics: infrastructure, interoperability, and data sharing
The meeting program will host also the Round table on Prospective of AI and LLM for bioinformatics.
In addition, the First International Biohackathon of BITS will take place on the eve of the conference, June 10th.
You can check all the details and submit your abstract on the submisison page.
Special session: Sustainable bioinformatics: infrastructure, interoperability, and data sharing
Bioinformatics is an essential field driving discoveries in genomics, transcriptomics, and precision medicine. However, as computational analyses become more sophisticated and datasets grow, the energy demands of bioinformatics workflows also increase. Large-scale sequencing projects, machine learning applications, and high-throughput data processing contribute to significant computational footprints, necessitating sustainable solutions. Optimising bioinformatics infrastructure, enhancing interoperability, and promoting efficient data-sharing practices are crucial for reducing redundant computations and lowering resource consumption. Researchers can maintain high analytical standards while minimising environmental impact by integrating energy-efficient algorithms, leveraging cloud-based or high-performance computing (HPC) resources responsibly, and reusing existing data repositories.
Recent advancements in sustainable computing include the development of low-power hardware, algorithmic optimisations that reduce runtime and memory usage, and workflow automation strategies that enhance computational efficiency. Additionally, collaborative initiatives promoting FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) data principles reduce duplication of efforts and maximise resource utilisation.
This session welcomes contributions on sustainable bioinformatics, including energy-efficient computational methods, scalable data analysis workflows, responsible data-sharing strategies, and innovative approaches to reducing the carbon footprint of large-scale bioinformatics research. Contributions to the sustainable use of LLMs are especially welcome.
Round table on Prospective of AI and LLM for bioinformatics
In just a few short years, AI has reshaped the way we do science — from AlphaFold’s breakthroughs in protein structure prediction to newly emerging foundation models that promise significant advances in how we understand and engineer biology. Yet this progress also raises concerns: Are we truly uncovering hidden connections within biological systems, or simply automating pattern matching on data we barely comprehend? How do we ensure that the rapid pace of AI-driven insights does not outstrip our capacity for rigorous validation and reproducible science? And what are the ethical implications as we delegate increasing responsibility to these energy-hungry systems?
Join us for a thoughtful discussion on the transformative potential and inherent challenges of AI in biology, as we explore its role in analyzing data, automating tasks, and supporting reasoning.
Young BITS-RSG-InfoLife CINI Symposium
Co-organized with RSG-Italy, the Italian Regional Student Group of ISCB, and the CINI InfoLife young group, the Young BITS-RSG-InfoLife CINI Symposium provides a supportive and stimulating forum in which undergraduate, master and PhD students, as well as young researchers, have the opportunity to present and discuss their research with other members of the Italian Bioinformatics community.
First International Biohackathon of BITS
The “First International Biohackathon of BITS”, a dynamic, team-based bioinformatics challenge will take place in collaboration with the BITS 2025 conference in Naples and the HPC4AI computing center of the University of Turin, organized by CINI Young-InfoLife, RSG-Italy, and Young BITS. For all the details, visit the event page.
Abstract selection for oral and poster presentations
The abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and accepted for oral or poster presentation, or rejected in case they do not match the scientific standards of the conference. Each abstract will be reviewed by two or three anonymous referees.
We encourage the authors to use the maximum space available in the submission to describe at best their work and results. Accepted abstracts will be collected in the conference proceedings.
Presentation of selected contributions requires early registration to the conference of the presenting author after the acceptance notification. Each participant can submit up to one abstract for oral communication and one poster.