June 11-13, 2025, Napoli, Italy
The Bioinformatics Italian Society is glad to invite you to Napoli to attend its 21th Annual Conference.
The conference aims to bring together the Italian bioinformatics community, discuss scientific topics of interest, and strengthen collaborations and network of expertise. The conference program includes keynote talks by excellent scientists, presentations of state-of-the-art research, selected oral presentations from attendees and poster sessions on the latest research progress of the BITS community. The conference is not for BITS members only, and is open to anyone with an interest in connecting with the Bioinformatics Italian Society.
The 21st Annual Meeting will be held in Napoli, June 11-13, 2025. At the "Aula Magna" Conference Room, Facoltà di Biotecnologie, Via Tommaso de Amicis, 95, 80131 Napoli.