Wednesday, 27 June | |
09:00 - 13:00 | Workshop BITS2018-CAREER MORNING |
13:00 | Registration and poster hang-up |
14:30 |
Opening remarks
- Prof Federico Bussolino, vice-dean for research of University of Turin
- Dr Paola Pisano, Council member for innovation and smart city for the city of Turin and Assistant professor at Computer Science department - Prof Luca Console, Computer Science Department Director |
Molecular Evolution analysis chair(s) Gustincich, Calogero |
14:45 - 15:30 | Stefano Gustincich Preparata Lecture - Invited Speaker Junk DNA in health and disease |
15:30 | Matteo Fumagalli |Oral Presentation| Deep learning algorithms in evolutionary genomics: detecting signatures of natural selection |
15:45 | Massimiliano Volpe |Oral Presentation| Evidences of somatic retrotransposition in the octopus brain |
16:00 | Serena Aneli |Oral Presentation| Ancient genomic signatures in the Italian population |
16:15 | Davide Marnetto |Oral Presentation| Haplostrips: revealing population structure through haplotype visualization |
16:30 - 17:00 | Coffee Break - Poster Session |
17:00 - 20:00 | BITS members meeting |
Thursday, 28 June | |
Gene regulation, transcriptomics and epigenomics chair(s) Ferrari, Mazza |
09:00 - 09:45 | BITS Lecture |
09:45 | Claudio Lo Giudice |Oral Presentation| Detecting A-to-I RNA editing signatures in long RNA-Seq reads. |
10:00 | Carmen Maria Livi |Oral Presentation| A comprehensive framework for ChIP-seq data quality assessment |
10:15 | Elisa Mariella |Oral Presentation| A functional strategy to characterize expression Quantitative Trait Loci |
10:30 | Paolo Kunderfranco |Oral Presentation| Stress The System: single-cell RNA sequencing on a panel of 9 different cell types from in-vivo, in-vitro, and clinical samples |
10:45 | Andreas Zanzoni |Oral Presentation| Perturbed human sub-networks by Fusobacterium nucleatum candidate virulence proteins |
11:00 - 11:30 | Coffee Break - Poster Session |
Algorithms in bioinformatics chair(s) Pesole, Armano |
11:30 | Antonio Colaprico |Oral Presentation| Moonlight: a tool for biological interpretation and driver genes discovery |
11:45 | Simone Spolaor |Oral Presentation| GenHap: Haplotype Assembly Using Genetic Algorithms |
12:00 | Dario Righelli |Oral Presentation| Differential Enriched Scan 2 (DEScan2): a fast pipeline for broad peak analysis |
12:15 | Giacomo Baruzzo |Oral Presentation| SPARSim: taking account of data sparsity in single cell and 16S rRNA gene sequencing |
12:30 | Matteo Comin |Oral Presentation| Better quality score compression through sequence-based quality smoothing |
12:45 | Luisa Pugliese |Oral Presentation| SAFAN-ISP: small molecule in-silico profiling with experimental reliability |
13:00 - 14:00 | Lunch - Poster Session |
Bioinformatic challenge in microbiome research chair(s) Segata, Cordero |
14:00 - 14:45 | Nicola Segata Invited Speaker Computational metagenomics for large-scale strain-resolved human microbiome studies |
14:45 | Fabio Marroni |Oral Presentation| Do you cov me? Effect of coverage rarefaction on species identification in complex matrices |
15:00 | Alessandro Silvestri |Oral Presentation| SmallRNAome characterization of a plant-fungal root symbiosis |
15:15 | Paolo Manghi |Oral Presentation| Combined metagenomic analysis of colorectal cancer datasets defines cross-cohort microbial diagnostic signatures |
15:30 | Giulio Ferrero |Oral Presentation| Gut microbiome composition and small RNA spectra in human stool for colorectal cancer detection |
15:45 | Jia Qian |Oral Presentation| Metagenomic Contigs Binning with Probabilistic k-mers Statistics |
16:00 | Francesco Asnicar |Oral Presentation| An integrated pipeline for large-scale phylogenetic characterization of genomes and metagenomes |
17:00 - 19:00 | Social Activities |
20:00 | Social Dinner |
Friday, 29 June | |
Systems Biology and Biological Networks chair(s) Zavolan, Caselle |
09:00 - 09:45 | Mihaela Zavolan Invited Speaker Regulation of translation in relation to cell fate |
09:45 | Gaia Ceddia |Oral Presentation| Using Non-Negative Matrix Tri-Factorization to find candidate drugs for the treatment of Alternating Hemiplegia of Childhood (AHC) |
10:00 | Paolo Martini |Oral Presentation| Gaining power from multi-omic data integration and pathway topology: improvement of prognostic gene module identification |
10:15 | Simone Pernice |Oral Presentation| Connector: A computational approach to study intratumor heterogeneity. |
10:30 | Lisanna Paladin |Oral Presentation| Resources for repeat protein structure annotation: RepeatsDB and RepeatsDB-lite |
10:45 | Louis Faure |Oral Presentation| Gene Network Inference from pseudotime ordered scRNAseq data |
11:00 - 11:30 | Coffee Break - Poster Session |
Proteomics chair(s) Romano, Chiappori |
11:30 | Guidantonio Malagoli Tagliazucchi |Oral Presentation| A computational framework for the identification of genes modules epigenetic regulated and targetable by drugs at the level of single patient. |
11:45 | Serena Dotolo |Oral Presentation| Detection of the impairment of allosteric communication in Sirtuin2 proteins through molecular dynamics and residue coevolution |
12:00 | Romina Oliva |Oral Presentation| Dissecting the structural determinants of a class of anti-TG2 antibodies by an integrated computational and experimental approach |
12:15 - 13:00 | Theodore C. Goldstein invited speaker Cancer Bioinformatics: This way to the revolution |
13:00 - 14:00 | Lunch - Poster Session |
14:00 - 18:00 | Workshop BITS2018-PRECISION ONCOLOGY |