Cancer Bioinformatics Workshop




Cancer Bioinformatics Workshop


September, 2nd-4th 2010

Cambridge Research Institute,

Cambridge, England


Supported by the EPSRC, PASCAL2 and the Royal Statistical Society



Important Dates


Submission Deadline: Friday 30th April 2010

Notification of Acceptance: Tuesday 1st June 2010

Registration closes: Monday 2nd August 2010

Workshop Date: 2nd-4th September 2010




Substantial amounts of data are being generated within cancer research.

Datasets range from gene expression and microRNA array data through to next

generation sequence data. Data interpretation draws on mathematical and

computational skills and thus the subject has engaged the interest of

researchers in areas such as machine learning, statistics, bioinformatics

and computer science. The goal of this cross-disciplinary Workshop is

therefore to bring together researchers from these disciplines and

cancer researchers who have an interest in data analysis, to explore and

present innovative approaches to this subject. Presented papers should:


(1) Propose novel data analysis methods applicable to this domain or:

(2) Present bioinformatics-driven studies in which mathematical or

computational methods played an important role in finding results of

potential significance in cancer research.


For novel data analysis methods, a non-exhaustive list of suitable topics


- unsupervised, semi-supervised and biclustering methods to highlight disease

subtypes or dysregulated genes within these subtypes,

- data integration/data fusion methods to integrate different types of data

such as gene expression, microRNA expression and array CGH data,

- inference of gene regulatory networks,

- pathway modeling and probabilistic ranking of pathway models,

- biomarker discovery,

- genome-wide association studies,

- rational drug design methods and chemoinformatics,

- protein function, structure prediction and structural bioinformatics,

- microRNA target site prediction,

- analysis of high throughput sequencing data,

- gene expression and post-transcriptional regulation,

- methods for the detection of fusion genes,

- prediction of disease progression,

- probabilistic inference, Bayesian methods and Kernel-based methods

for classifier design with applications to cancer bioinformatics,

- methods for the detection and quantification of copy number alterations and deletions.

There is a planned associated edited volume (see website).


Invited Speakers


Keith Baggerly (M.D. Anderson Cancer Center)

Olivier Elemento (Cornell Weill)

Mark Girolami (University of Glasgow)

Debashis Ghosh (University of Michigan)

Rachel Karchin (John Hopkins University)

Sami Kaski (Helsinki University of Technology)

Mark van der Laan (UC Berkeley)

Shayan Mukherjee (Duke University)

Peter Park (Harvard University)

Dana Pe'er (Columbia University)

John Quackenbush (Harvard University)

Lodewyck Wessels (NKI Netherlands)




We invite you to submit a two page extended abstract, with pointers to

supporting material where appropriate. Submissions should be sent to and should be received by 30th April 2010.

Notification of acceptance will be given by 1st June 2010.

Papers will be selected for oral or poster presentation.

Poster size should be a maximum of A0 (width x height:

841mm x 1189mm)


Workshop Venue


The Cancer Research UK Cambridge Research Institute

Li Ka Shing Centre, Robinson Way, Cambridge, England




The standard registration fee is 200 pounds Sterling and will cover

all meals during the course of the Workshop at the Cambridge Research

Institute and all meals and accommodation at Homerton College for the

nights of Thursday 2/3 and Friday 3/4 September.


For those not using the accommodation arrangements at Homerton College

it is possible to register for free (see website for further





Colin Campbell (University of Bristol, United Kingdom)

Christina Leslie (Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, USA)

Florian Markowetz (Cancer Research UK Cambridge Research Institute, United Kingdom)

Jean-Philippe Vert (Institut Curie, Paris, France)




This Workshop is sponsored through:

- The EPSRC (principal event sponsor) through grant EP/H024778/1.

- The Royal Statistical Society.

- The EU PASCAL2 Network of Excellence.



ICG Campbell, Engineering Mathematics