RNAseq and Single-cell RNAseq workshop
9 - 13 March 2020
General Chairs
Raffaele Calogero, Francesca Cordero, Marco Beccuti
Registration for the 6th edition of the RNA-seq and Single-cell-seq workshop 2020 is open:

The workshop will be held at Molecular Biotechnology Center, via Nizza 52, Torino (Italy).

A description of the course is available in this booklet (https://github.com/kendomaniac/UNITORNASEQ/blob/master/booklet.pdf)

The program of the course is available at: https://github.com/kendomaniac/UNITORNASEQ/blob/master/program.pdf

To register please fill the present registration form. (REGISTRATION DEADLINE FEBRUARY 28TH 2020): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfdyKaHvDYWShHxJ9oJhXc4Tk8OFWlBmtHEj3kitBADWoX-iw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1

For any further information please contact raffaele.calogero@unito.it (+39 0116706454)