Highly motivated bioinformatician
Bioinformatician at the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Naples, and at the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA), Trieste, Italy
In the context of a three-year project funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, we are seeking a highly motivated bioinformatician with expertise in next generation sequencing data analysis, functional genomics and/or population genomics, to work on different aspects related to the life cycle of a marine diatom.
BACKGROUND: Diatoms are a major group of unicellular organisms in aquatic ecosystems, they have long been studied in ecology and are becoming object of interest for biotechnological applications. The research project is focused on Pseudo-nitzschia multistriata, an ecologically relevant species in the Mediterranean Sea that is an excellent model for the study of life cycles and population genetics. The project objectives include the definition of the transcriptional and epigenetic controls orchestrating life cycle transitions, and the assessment of the effects of sexual reproduction on genome evolution. Population genomics data will be collected during the project and the candidate is expected to identify variations and investigate their impact in gene expression, evolvability and population dynamics. 
RESPONSIBILITIES: Analysis of sequencing data obtained during the project, including genome re-sequencing/RAD-seq, RNA-seq and ATAC-seq data.
REQUIREMENTS: Use of the Linux operating system and at least one programming language (Perl, Python, R).
Knowledge of genomic techniques, biological and genomic databases, genome browsers and programmatic access to these resources.
Experience in design and development of bioinformatics pipelines.
Experience in next generation sequencing data analysis.
The candidate must be fluent in English and is expected to contribute substantially to manuscript preparation.
PREFERENCES: Expertise in population genomics. 
TERMS: The initial appointment will be for one year, with the possibility of extension until the end of 2021.
LOCALE: Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Naples, Italy, with short visits to the Computational Genomics laboratory at the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA), in Trieste, Italy.
If you are interest please do get in touch with