PostDoc position in Bioinformatics, Ospedale San Raffaele, Milano.

PostDoc position in Bioinformatics

A full-time post-doctoral position for a bioinformatician with experience in managing and analyzing NGS data is available in the Laboratory of Molecular Cardiology at Policlinico San Donato-IRCCS, Milan, Italy. The lab is located in the DIBIT1 building of the Ospedale San Raffaele.

For lab publications, see:

The goal of the project is investigating the regulation and functional role of non coding RNAs in tissue response to hypoxia and ischemia.

We are looking for a candidate that is going to interact with biologists and bioinformaticians to manage and analyze NGS data (mostly RNA-seq) and microarray data.

The successful candidate must have a minimum of 2 years experience in dealing with NGS data and a good command of English communication. The candidate is expected to interact with collaborators of different scientific background and to be able also to work independently. Knowledge of programming is a definitive plus, as well as a good statistical background and wet molecular biology skills.

Salary is proportional to experience and to the publication record.

Please, send your CV by e-mail to Fabio Martelli: