EMBO Practical Course on Networks in Biology analysis, modeling and reverse engineering
12 May 2009
The course will present an overview with practical applications of the use of systems Biology in
basic and applied research. Specifically the participants will gain both theoretical and hands-on
experience with the methods used to model networks in complex biological systems including
transcriptional, proteomic, metabolic and signaling networks. Practical workshops will enable
students to use computational tools to model and visualize biological networks using experimental
data. The course will also illustrate the importance of system biology to the new era of
personalized medicine, through the use of reverse engineering networks to discover novel
therapeutic drug targets. 
Diego di Bernardo ( Naple, Italy)  
R. Casadio (Bologna, Italy), G. Cesareni (Rome, Itay), M. Citterich ( Rome, Italy), T. S. Gardner (
Boston, USA), M. Kaern (Ottawa, USA), P. Lio (Cambridge, UK), B. Palsson ( California, USA), G.
Romeo (Bologna, Italy), M. Scooter ( California, USA),J. Stelling ( Zurich, Switzerland), A. Tramontano
( Rome, Italy)
EMBO provides to fund 20 fellowships (the fellowships cover lunch, coffee break, accommodation in
double room in hotel and dinners). The candidates have to send their detailed CV to
serena.paterlini@eurogene.org . The selection will be conducted by the Scientific Committee, whose
members are Prof. Giovanni Romeo and Diego di Bernardo.
Registration Fee: € 200 + 20%VAT = € 240 Registration fee