Master of Science (Laurea Magistrale) in Quantitative and Computational Biology
17 June 2016

University of Trento 

a multidisciplinary degree that formally integrates quantitative sciences and applied biology, thanks to the following organizations at the University of Trento:

CIBIO, Centre for integrative biology
Department of Physics
Department of Mathematics
Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science
Entirely taught in English, the course is designed to capture the increasing need for researchers and experts able to:

transform the enormous amount of biological information ("big data") into knowledge
gain quantitative insight into the behaviour of biological systems by means of  bio-mathematical and bio-physical models


Two tracks: "Biotechnological Track" and "Computational Track", based on the student educational background

First year: opportunity to integrate the student’s scientific background based on their first-level degree, and focus on selected biotechnological or computational topics
Second year: further emphasis on biotechnological or computational topics and preparation of the master thesis, with a rotation system among research groups

Application Deadlines: 20th July 2015

