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Illuminating range shifts through evolutionary FIASCO: contrasting FaIling And Successful ColOnizations in replicated wild populations. Join us as a researcher at the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn (Naples, Italy) and the University of Ferrara (Ferrara, Italy) to explore the evolutionary processes underlying range shifts in a marine snail. The FIASCO project is fully funded by the European Union – Next Generation EU and involves a broad network of local and international collaborators.
The department of Tissue Dynamics and Regeneration (Dr. Jochen Rink) invites applications fora position as Model system genome database manager. We are looking for a motivated and experienced model organism genome researcher to spearhead and curate the further evolution of the PlanMine web resource.
Selection by qualifications and interview of 2 staff members with a professional profile of Researcher III level, at the Institute of Genetics and Biophysics “Adriano Buzzati Traverso”- Naples, Italy
Bando per assegno di ricerca biennale nell’ambito del Centro Nazionale HPC, Big Data e Quantum Computing presso l'Università di Bari
Il master mira a fornire competenze interdisciplinari per rispondere alle esigenze cliniche e del mercato del lavoro, con un focus su stoccaggio e analisi di dati biologici massivi e lo sviluppo di sistemi intelligenti in bioinformatica e informatica medica con applicazioni al contesto oncologico.